

  • Keynote: Speech

Friday 17 Nov 2017
1F Main Hall

Session Concept:
Personal Engagement with Science


Lord Krebs Kt, MA, DPhil, FRS, FMedSci, Hon DSc
Honorary Fellow and Former Principal, Jesus College, University of Oxford
United Kingdom
Sir John Krebs completed the undergraduate degree in Zoology (1966) and DPhil (1970) at Pembroke College Oxford. He has been Fellow of the Royal Society since 1984. Between 2000 and 2005, he reconstructed the food-safety administration after BSE crisis as the first Chairman of the UK Food Standards Agency and recovered its trust of the public. He was created a life peer in 2007 and sits in the House of Lords. He was Chairman of the House of Lords Science and Technology Select Committee(2010-2014), Chairman of the UK Science and Technology Honours Committee(2008-2014). Between 2009 and 2017, he sat on the UK Climate Change Committee and chairs its Adaptation Sub-Committee.He was also President of the British Science Association (2012-2013).