

  • Parallel Session D-5
  • Round Table

How Do We Visualise the Social and Personal Engagement with Science?

Thursday 16 Nov 2017
7F Jupiter

Session Concept:
In the fast-paced modern world, science and technology (S&T) impact on all areas of life, at both an individual and organizational level. The degree of acceptance and absorption capacity of S&T vary across people and organisations both within countries and at a cross-cultural level. We need a deeper understanding of the cultural and social aspects of S&T, as the basis of individual and collective values, choices, behaviors, and risk-preferences related to S&T and a source of knowledge creation. However, the question is how we measure these concepts and acquire meaningful indicators to inform society and policy-making. This session will discuss how to design such measurements to visualise the desired linkage of science and society, gathering a broad range of participants including citizens, policy makers, and researchers. The session also focuses on the expected new role of science museums as a public space connecting science and society.


Go Yoshizawa
Associate Professor of Biomedical Ethics and Public Policy, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University


Katy Bӧrner
Victor H. Yngve Distinguished Professor of Engineering and Information Science / Director, Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center, Indiana University
United States
Katy Bӧrner talks about the power of data visualizations in science policy making, drawing her work on science maps and macroscopes from the Places & Spaces: Mapping Science exhibit ( together with key concepts on how to render data into actionable insights.
Ingeborg Meijer
Senior researcher Society Using Research (SURe), Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) of Leiden University
The Netherlands
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is one of the European Commission’s policy instruments to enhance and support the use and uptake of knowledge in society, and by doing so, to strengthen well-being and job growth. Ingeborg Meijer’s talk addresses the RRI concept and her research team’s experience on developing RRI indicators in 6 dimensions: public engagement, science communication and science literacy, gender equality, open access, ethics, and governance.
Asako Okamura
Professional Staff, SciREX center, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Asako Okamura introduces her project’s approach to identify and construct vision-driven indicators to enhance the desirable relationship between science and society. The project has attempted to construct indicators derived from societal visions and goals, by holding several workshops and gathering researchers and policy-makers.