

  • Parallel Session C-1
  • Sustainability
  • Panel

Awareness to Actions! - Global Changes and Future Earth

Thursday 16 Nov 2017
7F Uranus

Session Concept:
Global changes are highly complex and these need to be tackled by collective efforts. How can we transform society and people toward more sustainable ways and how can we achieve the needed impact? The session showcases actions that have taken place in different sectors and places and demonstrates their actions to change society. The session invites experts from various sectors who are taking actions against global changes, which include climate and societal changes. Each presentation demonstrates innovative and breakthrough actions and case studies, from local to global scales, to transform the society to be more sustainable.


Asher Minns
Head of Communication, Future Earth Europe / Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia
United Kingdom


Asher Minns
Head of Communication, Future Earth Europe / Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia
United Kingdom
Asher Minns will discuss the overall concept and approaches of Future Earth and a case study on transforming people’s behaviors towards a more sustainable manner.
Fumiko Kasuga
Global Hub Director, Future Earth
Fumiko Kasuga, Global Hub Director of Future Earth Secretariat in Japan, will give an overview on Future Earth and bring a new perspective for sustainable development discussion.
Sakiko Yoshinami
Senior External Relations and Project Officer, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)
Sakiko Yoshinami will introduce some actions of female entrepreneurs in Gaza, Palestine trying to use local materials to reconstruct the city and people trying to act regardless of the environmental circumstances.
Henry McGhie
Head of Collections and Curator of Zoology, The Manchester Museum, University of Manchester
United Kingdom
Henry McGhie of Manchester Museum in the UK will talk about the role of Museum partnerships for our future earth, for engaging people and audiences with climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Mitsu Hara
Art Coordinator, Art Front Gallery